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Watch 5) Thinking Like Missionaries | LGBT+ Culture

Watch 5) Thinking Like Missionaries | LGBT+ Culture


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5) Thinking Like Missionaries | LGBT+ Culture

Posture Shift Digital Seminar • 18m

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  • 6) Thinking Like Missionaries | LGBT+...

    You can grow up in the same nation with the same language; in the same city at the same high school; in the same neighborhood connected to the same peer group; and yet, LGBT+ people have "extra language" that gets added to their Growing Up LGBT+ experience as sexual and gender minorities. To dism...

  • 7) Posture Shift Panel | Getting to K...

    In our first segment, learn how Josh, Meg and Lesli live their lives as sexual and gender minorities seeking to faithfully follow God within a traditional biblical sexual ethic. You will hear about their deeply held beliefs, their decision to live celibate lives, and how they identify around sexu...

  • 8) Posture Shift Panel | Our Growing ...

    In our second panel segment, Josh, Meg and Lesli discuss the Growing Up LGBT+ profile in personal terms. They describe the impact of bullying, high levels of isolation, and dealing with suicidal ideation. Our staff carried the inward knowledge of their orientation for an average of eight (8) year...